Friday 17 February 2012

Tonight's show went a million times better than we ever could have hoped! This was a good day for Sketchy Theatre! After the disastrous week we'd had we really thought tonight would be a shambles but with the help of Gina and John at 3 Minute Theatre we pulled it off!

Keeping the running order in my bra seemed to work a treat ;)

We're performing the same show at Sandbar on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th at 7 so try catching usthen  if you  missed tonights show.

Thank you so much for everyone's support tonight, we really appreciate it. Bring on the next show!

Ilaria, Sketchy Theatre x

Thursday 9 February 2012

The count down is on

Its not long till our Valentines' special at The 3 Minute Theatre....Friday 17th at 8, tickets just £4/3

Ive been laughing so much in rehearsals that Ive actually injured my chest...we're that funny!

Dont take my word for it...come along and decide for yourselves. (tricked you all into coming...hopefully)

3 Minute Theatre is a lovely venue. Friendly and cosy. The bar will be open from about 7.30 so come along and make a night of it.

I dont know why I uploaded this be honest I still dont understand this blog.

Ilaria, Sketchy Theatre x

Friday 3 February 2012

Procrastinating (Think that's how it's spelt??)

We really will do anything to avoid writing our last sketch...

We ended up watching documentaries about fat kids doing rock climbing, fat kids in beauty pageants and fat kids...general being fat. What is our problem with writng the final sketch? Maybe we're not meant to have another one, who knows. All we do know is that we need to stop watch fat kids on telly. Sky has 100s of channels, the choice is endless.

We also did this instead of writng the final dreaded sketch. We're sick, sick people